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Turn an idea into a successful project

From idea to successful project

By focusing on how the best companies (those famous unicorns) managed to turn their ideas into successful projects with a series of key attributes.

If you have a good idea or an innovative challenge in your head, you are already half way there, but what about the other half? We tell you about it through a real success story.

from idea to project ok

What do you find in this content?

Discover the attributes of companies that have anticipated the future of work.

The companies that have become benchmarks for growing their businesses exponentially (EXO companies) have a series of attributes in common: algorithms that allow them to scale, agile methodologies, experimentation processes and On Demand talent recruitment.

Here is a real success story

Squali went from idea to product without friction and with successful results. You will find details about:

1. How we met and made a match.
2. The project milestones
3. The company today
4. The feelings of the protagonists

Download the complete content now.