Download Spain's most comprehensive report on labor flexibility and remote work.

Access to top projects

Gain access to premier projects that match your professional expertise. Each project typically generates over €15,000 in turnover, with an average duration of 3 months.
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Work with top companies

We have a review process for projects posted by clients to avoid gig work or clients with low commitment to their projects and/or their suppliers.

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Receive related projects

Receive notifications when projects match your profile or search the projects that best match with your profile.

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Long-term projects

The average duration of a project at Shakers is 3 months, with projects lasting up to 12 months.

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Other benefits of
freelancing at Shakers

Work in a team with people and profiles that complement you.
Projects related to your interests and values.

Other related features

Work with the best freelancers in a simple way. Save fixed costs and
make your growth more flexible.

Filtered projects

We run away from gig jobs. Projects of
15,000 average ticket
Verify your skills

Certify your skills and share them with the world
Project Tracking

Use the Shakers suite of tools to track.

+400 companies already work with Shakers


These are the most common questions managers ask about talent management.

Why is Shakers different from other platforms?
Shakers is born by and for talent. It is a platform created by freelancers with the purpose of reinventing the way of working, as we believe that the world has changed towards a new paradigm in which the best talent has the ability to work on challenges that motivate them. Therefore, the whole company and product strategy is oriented to solve the main pains that arise from freelancing: from loneliness to all the administrative procedures.
What types of projects can I find at Shakers?
At Shakers we focus on getting quality clients, committed to their project, and to their suppliers. You will find from shorter projects (minimum 1 month) to high dedication projects for a minimum commitment of up to 1 year. We will notify you only with the type of project that interests you the most.
How do payments work?
Each project is divided into milestones, which allow you to get paid for a job progressively as you go through the project. The client deposits each milestone in advance, and you get paid after each delivery. You are the one who will define the milestones that suit you at the time of making the proposal.
Can I use Shakers if I am not a freelancer?
To be able to charge for your projects, you must be registered as a freelancer. But, don't worry, if you are considering the change, and in Shakers we have a project that makes you take the leap (high value, long term commitment...), Shakers gives you all the tools for the registration process, administrative, and we finance a year of digital management completely free.

Still unsure? Visit our help center.